Route of the Hiawatha

Ready to ride!

Trudie has been talking about doing the trail of the Hiawatha for quite some time. Well we finally did it! Jackie even came with us down from Seattle.

We left on Saturday July 2, 2023 and drove all the way passed Ceour d’Alene (which is French for something exotic) and stayed at an Airbnb in the giant small town of Kellogg (also French for ‘lots of logs 🪵 ‘).

The Silver Mountain Resort

The Airbnb was actually at the Silver mountain resort and we liked the $1 pizza slices (very small) and the cool tram to the top of the mountain even though we didn’t take it.

We stayed there that night and the next day woke up early and headed to rent our bikes at Lookout Pass. Renting 6 bikes on the back of the mini van wasn’t that awesome so we were glad when the lady said she’d load them in her truck and we’d follow behind for the five mile drive to Montana where the trail started. (See picture at the top)

Through the tunnel

The start is 1.5 miles of riding through a wet muddy tunnel. They gave us headlights for our bikes. It was super cool. Crowds weren’t as bad as we thought it would be for a forth of July weekend.

250 ft trussels!
Lots of tunnels

After 14 miles or so of all downhill we made it to the bottom and a bus picked up the bikes and passengers and carried them back to the top of the hill.

Owen and I decided to just ride it back up. Since it was only a 1-2% grade it wasn’t that bad.

Owen got some dirt

Owen got some mud on the way back

Mission accomplished!






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