Hawaii day 1

I was so excited to go to Hawaii. We woke up at 6:00 and the Lake Oswego Airporter was already ready to pick us up. My family rushed out side and got in the car. On the way to the airport I ran through my head all the possible things I could have forgotten. Once at the airport we got through security fine and used mom and dad’s priority pass to get 100$ worth of airport food at a certain store. Then we had a long uneventful 5 hours and 30 minute airplane ride. Looking at the island from in the airplane was really cool. When we landed my family went straight to Costco. There my mom gave us some money to get the food for the week. My sisters and I did pretty good and been having good food. Then we went to the beach. It is a two minute walk to the beach! Finally we enjoyed a relaxing rest of our day at the beach.






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