
Roman elites back in the day gave another gift to the poor people other than just bread and circuses. And that was water!

You will see these places in the tourist areas selling water for 1 or 2 euro but the funny thing is there is water all around you for free and it is actually really good! Dare I say it even rivals Clackamas County Tap? I know I’m going out on a limb making that statement but it is true! I don’t even filter it and it’s good.

All around this place you see the nasoni. Or “the big noses”. They look like this

If you are without a water bottle you can put you hand on the spout and it comes jetting up the top like a drinking fountain. So clever!

I will share another secret: Not all nasoni are the same. For example the one at piazza novana tasted like Orange County tap water and I wasn’t too happy. But then just walking across the river we found a random one in a playground and that stuff was super good! Bread, Circuses, and Water! What else is there to life?






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